cloud castle level 3 has two sets of rooms with very similar layout
to each other but not quite the same. the two halves are linked by
rooms "a","b","c" and "d". these rooms and also all rooms marked
"*" have an exit down towards "on the ground" which is back
on the Cloud Castle (level1)cloud castle first level. you also need to be flying to be in these rooms
otherwise you will also fall down to "on the ground".

                Level 3a                                       Level 3b
======== ========

+-->--* +
/ v x
/ *-->-*
*---------*----*----*----*----* * *---------*----*----*----*----* *
| | | | | | | | | |
*----* d-<--* *----* *----* *---------d----* *----* *----*
| | | | | | | |
* * * * * * * * * *
| | | | | |
* * *----a * * | /-->-a
| | | | | *----
* | /->-b | c-<--\ * | \-<--*
*----*--- | ----* | |
\-<---*----*----*-->-/ *----*--------------b----*----c----*

1 = Cloud Castle (Level 2) {55-80}

Key to Mystic Adventure ASCII Maps